Menu Vegetarian dari India, Lezat dan Kaya Rempah

Healthy Vegan Indian Food yang Lezat dan Bergizi

Healthy Vegan Indian Food yang Lezat dan Bergizi

Makanan India terkenal dengan rempah-rempah yang kaya dan cita rasa yang mendalam. Bagi para vegan, masakan India menawarkan berbagai pilihan hidangan lezat yang tetap bergizi tanpa menggunakan bahan hewani. Dari kari berbasis kacang-kacangan hingga roti pipih yang lembut, berikut adalah beberapa slot mahjong vegan India yang tidak hanya enak, tetapi juga menyehatkan.

Keunikan Makanan Vegan India

Masakan India sering menggunakan bahan-bahan alami seperti lentil, kacang-kacangan, sayuran, dan rempah-rempah yang tidak hanya memberikan rasa yang lezat tetapi juga kaya akan nutrisi. Beberapa manfaat utama makanan vegan India meliputi:

  • Kaya Protein: Kacang-kacangan seperti lentil dan chickpea menjadi sumber protein nabati yang baik.
  • Penuh Serat: Sayuran dan biji-bijian dalam hidangan India membantu pencernaan dan menjaga kesehatan usus.
  • Antioksidan Tinggi: Rempah-rempah seperti kunyit, jahe, dan ketumbar memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan meningkatkan imunitas.

Rekomendasi Makanan Vegan India yang Sehat dan Lezat

1. Red Lentil Dal

Hidangan ini berbahan dasar lentil merah yang dimasak dengan bawang, tomat, dan rempah-rempah seperti kunyit dan jintan. Dal merupakan sumber protein nabati yang tinggi dan sering disajikan dengan nasi atau roti pipih seperti naan atau roti chapati .

2. Aloo Gobi

Hidangan berbasis kentang dan kembang kol ini dibuat dengan campuran rempah-rempah India seperti kunyit, ketumbar, dan jintan. Selain rendah kalori, aloo gobi juga kaya akan vitamin C dan serat, menjadikannya pilihan sehat untuk makan siang atau malam.

3. Vegan Tikka Masala

Biasanya dibuat dengan ayam, tetapi versi vegan dari hidangan ini menggantikan daging dengan tahu atau tempe. Kuah kari yang kaya tomat dan krim kelapa membuatnya menjadi hidangan yang lezat dengan tekstur creamy yang menggugah selera.

4. Baingan Bharta (Terong Panggang Pedas)

Hidangan ini dibuat dari terong panggang yang dihaluskan dan dimasak dengan bawang, tomat, dan rempah-rempah khas India. Baingan Bharta memiliki rasa yang smoky dan sangat nikmat jika disantap dengan roti chapati atau paratha.

5. Chana Masala (Kari Kacang Arab)

Chana masala adalah kari berbahan dasar chickpea (kacang Arab) yang dimasak dengan saus tomat, bawang, dan berbagai rempah-rempah aromatik. Hidangan ini kaya akan protein dan serat, sehingga cocok untuk diet sehat.

6. Vegan Biryani dengan Kembang Kol

Biryani vegan ini menggunakan nasi basmati yang dimasak bersama sayuran, kembang kol, dan rempah-rempah seperti kayu manis, kapulaga, dan cengkeh. Dengan tambahan kacang-kacangan dan kismis, biryani ini menjadi hidangan yang penuh nutrisi dan rasa.

7. Vegetable Korma

Korma adalah kari berbasis santan yang berisi berbagai sayuran seperti wortel, kentang, dan kacang polong. Kelembutan teksturnya berpadu dengan kekayaan rasa dari kapulaga, cengkeh, dan kunyit.

8. Paratha dan Roti Naan Vegan

Roti pipih khas India seperti paratha dan naan juga dapat dibuat dalam versi vegan. Naan vegan biasanya dibuat tanpa susu atau mentega, sementara paratha dapat menggunakan minyak zaitun atau minyak kelapa sebagai pengganti ghee.

9. Vegan Raita (Yogurt India Berbasis Nabati)

Biasanya, raita dibuat dengan yogurt susu, tetapi versi vegan menggunakan yogurt berbahan dasar kacang-kacangan seperti kedelai atau almond. Ditambah dengan mentimun, mint, dan rempah-rempah, raita menjadi pelengkap yang menyegarkan untuk hidangan pedas.

10. Samosa Aloo Matar (Pangsit Kentang & Kacang Polong)

Samosa adalah camilan khas India berbentuk segitiga yang diisi dengan kentang, kacang polong, dan rempah-rempah. Versi vegan menggunakan kulit tanpa telur dan bisa dipanggang agar lebih sehat.


Makanan vegan India menawarkan pilihan hidangan yang tidak hanya lezat, tetapi juga kaya akan nutrisi. Dengan memanfaatkan kacang-kacangan, sayuran, dan rempah-rempah, hidangan ini memberikan manfaat kesehatan yang optimal tanpa mengorbankan cita rasa. Jadi, bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba pola makan sehat, makanan vegan India bisa menjadi pilihan yang menarik dan menggugah selera!

Vegan Sehat dalam Masakan India: Menyajikan Kesehatan dan Rasa yang Lezat

Vegan Sehat dalam Masakan India: Menyajikan Kesehatan dan Rasa yang Lezat


Diet vegan semakin populer sebagai pilihan gaya hidup sehat di seluruh dunia, dan masakan India menawarkan berbagai pilihan lezat yang cocok untuk mereka yang mengikuti diet vegan. Dengan penggunaan bumbu-bumbu kaya rasa dan bahan-bahan alami, masakan India bisa menjadi pilihan yang sangat sehat dan memuaskan bagi para vegan. Artikel ini akan membahas manfaat diet vegan, beberapa hidangan vegan khas India, dan tips untuk menjaga pola makan vegan yang sehat.

Manfaat Diet Vegan

  1. Nutrisi yang Seimbang
    • Diet vegan yang seimbang dapat menyediakan semua nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh, seperti vitamin, mineral, serat, dan protein. Dengan memilih bahan makanan yang tepat, Anda dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi tanpa mengonsumsi produk hewani.
  2. Kesehatan Jantung
    • Diet vegan cenderung rendah lemak jenuh dan kolesterol, yang dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung. Konsumsi buah, sayuran, dan biji-bijian yang tinggi serat dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung.
  3. Peningkatan Energi
    • Banyak orang melaporkan peningkatan energi dan vitalitas setelah beralih ke diet vegan. Makanan plant-based yang kaya akan karbohidrat kompleks, serat, dan antioksidan dapat memberikan energi yang stabil sepanjang hari.
  4. Kesehatan Pencernaan
    • Diet vegan yang kaya serat dari buah, sayuran, dan biji-bijian dapat mendukung kesehatan pencernaan dan mencegah masalah seperti sembelit.

Hidangan Vegan Khas India

  1. Chana Masala
    • Deskripsi: Chana Masala adalah hidangan berbasis chickpea (kacang garbanzo) yang dimasak dengan bumbu rempah seperti kunyit, jinten, ketumbar, dan cabai. Hidangan ini kaya akan protein dan serat.
    • Cara Membuat: Tumis bawang, bawang putih, dan jahe hingga harum, lalu tambahkan tomat dan bumbu. Masukkan chickpea yang sudah direbus, masak hingga bumbu meresap.
  2. Aloo Gobi
    • Deskripsi: Aloo Gobi adalah hidangan sayur yang terbuat dari kentang dan kembang kol, dimasak dengan bumbu seperti kunyit, jintan, dan ketumbar. Hidangan ini rendah kalori dan penuh rasa.
    • Cara Membuat: Tumis bawang dan rempah-rempah, tambahkan kentang dan kembang kol, serta sedikit air. Masak hingga sayuran empuk dan bumbu meresap.
  3. Dal Tadka
    • Deskripsi: Dal Tadka adalah sup lentil yang dibumbui dengan rempah-rempah dan sering disajikan dengan nasi atau roti. Lentil adalah sumber protein nabati yang sangat baik.
    • Cara Membuat: Rebus lentil hingga empuk, kemudian tumis bawang, bawang putih, dan rempah-rempah untuk menambah rasa. Campurkan dengan lentil yang sudah direbus.
  4. Palak Paneer Vegan
    • Deskripsi: Biasanya, Palak Paneer menggunakan paneer (keju India), tetapi versi vegan ini menggunakan tofu sebagai pengganti paneer. Hidangan ini penuh dengan nutrisi dari bayam.
    • Cara Membuat: Tumis bawang dan rempah-rempah, tambahkan bayam yang sudah dicincang halus, dan tofu. Masak hingga bumbu meresap dan tofu terbalut dengan baik.
  5. Vegetable Biryani
    • Deskripsi: Biryani adalah hidangan nasi yang dimasak dengan berbagai sayuran dan rempah-rempah. Hidangan ini memberikan rasa yang kaya dan dapat disesuaikan dengan bahan-bahan vegan.
    • Cara Membuat: Tumis bawang dan rempah-rempah, tambahkan sayuran seperti wortel, kacang polong, dan kentang. Masukkan nasi basmati dan masak hingga semua bahan matang.

Tips untuk Diet Vegan yang Sehat

  1. Perhatikan Kebutuhan Nutrisi
    • Pastikan Anda mendapatkan semua nutrisi penting dari makanan nabati, termasuk vitamin B12, vitamin D, zat besi, dan omega-3. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan suplemen jika diperlukan.
  2. Konsumsi Berbagai Jenis Makanan
    • Variasikan makanan Anda dengan mengonsumsi berbagai jenis buah, sayuran, biji-bijian, dan legum. Ini membantu memastikan Anda mendapatkan spektrum nutrisi yang lengkap.
  3. Hindari Makanan Olahan Berlebihan
    • Meskipun makanan olahan vegan seperti burger atau sosis vegan bisa menjadi pilihan yang nyaman, konsumsi makanan ini sebaiknya dibatasi. Fokus pada makanan segar dan alami untuk hasil kesehatan yang optimal.
  4. Jaga Keseimbangan Kalori
    • Pastikan asupan kalori Anda seimbang dengan aktivitas fisik. Makanan nabati umumnya rendah kalori, jadi penting untuk mengonsumsi cukup makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi Anda.


Masakan India menawarkan berbagai hidangan vegan yang tidak hanya lezat tetapi juga sehat. Dengan memanfaatkan bumbu-bumbu kaya rasa dan bahan-bahan alami, Anda dapat menikmati makanan yang memuaskan dan mendukung gaya hidup vegan Anda. Memilih diet vegan yang sehat melibatkan perhatian terhadap nutrisi, variasi makanan, dan keseimbangan kalori. Dengan memperhatikan hal-hal ini, Anda dapat menikmati manfaat kesehatan dari diet vegan sambil menjelajahi kelezatan masakan India.

Referensi Makanan Vegetarian dan Manfaatnya Untuk Kesehatan

Sudah sejak lama, konsumsi buah dan sayur sudah diketahui bisa berpengaruh bagus untuk kesehatan badan manusia. Bukan hanya dalam periode pendek, makanan vegetarian seperti buah dan sayur bisa memberi Manfaat sampai pada usia senja nanti. Gizi yang disiapkan makanan dengan pangkalan tanaman rupanya lumayan komplet hingga saat loyalitas skema makan ini diputuskan, seorang masih tetap bisa penuhi keperluan gizi harian yang dibutuhkan oleh badannya.

Referensi makanan vegetarian

Lumayan banyak makanan yang bisa dimakan untuk Anda yang ingin coba skema makan ini. Walau tanpa memakai pangkalan daging atau hewan, beberapa makanan ini masih tetap memiliki rasa yang sedap dan gizi yang diperlukan oleh badan untuk melakukan aktivitas tiap hari.

Anda pun bisa konsumsi makanan berikut untuk mendapatkan gizi yang dibutuhkan oleh badan. Dikutip dari situs rtp slot gacor hari ini, berikut referensi makanan vegetarian yang bisa jaga badan masih tetap sehat.

1. Sapo tahu

Memiliki kandungan bahan yang memiliki nutrisi seperti tahu, sayur, dan rempah, makanan yang dari Negeri Tirai Bambu ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang memikat. Dihidangkan pada keadaan hangat, makanan ini bisa memberi Anda tenaga dan gizi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan aktivitas.

2. Gado-gado

Salah satu makanan tradisionil ini adalah pilihan makanan vegetarian yang memikat buat dimakan. Pada intinya, gado-gado terdiri berbahan makanan yang sehat dipadankan sauce kacang yang nikmat. Kandungan kalorinya lumayan tinggi, namun disertai serat, protein, dan gizi lain dari sayur dan bahan yang dipertambah didalamnya.

3. Pepes tahu

Pepes tahu menjadi referensi selanjutnya. Langkah mengolah pepes bisa dipakai pada macam tipe makanan lain, seperti jamur atau tempe, sesuai selera. Rasanya nikmat, dan pas menjadi lauk untuk makan.

4. Urap

Kembali lagi ke salah satu makanan tradisionil yang menjadi referensi. Urap ialah makanan yang memiliki bahan khusus dari sayur berbentuk toge, kacang panjang, daun singkong, dan semacamnya. Semua sayur itu selanjutnya direbus, dan digabung kelapa parut yang telah diberi bumbu. Anda bisa mendapat lumayan banyak gizi dari urap sepanjang proses rebus sayur tidak kelamaan.

5. Salad buah

Referensi selanjutnya ialah salad buah. Menu ini bisa digabungkan bebas sesuai selera Anda dengan catatan dressing yang dipakai janganlah sampai terlalu berlebih karena bisa tingkatkan konsumsi gula atau kalori dari salad buah yang memiliki nutrisi dan fresh ini.

6. Ketoprak

Makanan ini gampang dijumpai dan harga cukup dapat dijangkau. Memakai material dasar tauge, tahu, ketupat, dan bihun, siraman sauce kacang menjadi penyempurna rasanya yang sedap. Kalorinya bisa memenuhi keperluan badan, dan kandungan gizinya lumayan banyak.

7. Sate jamur

Sate jamur ialah salah satu makanan vegetarian yang disukai. Struktur yang seperti daging ayam membuat makin nikmat dikonsumsi selain memang rasanya yang nikmat. Anda bisa secara gampang memadukannya dengan sauce kacang atau sauce kecap, bergantung yang Anda gemari.

8. Opor tahu

Makanan ini umum diketemukan isian ayam, namun opor tahu tawarkan rasa sensasi yang tidak kalah nikmat. Yang mengandung protein nabati yang padat, makanan ini cukup direferensikan untuk mempertahankan kesehatan badan.

9. Plecing kangkung

Cita-rasa yang dihidangkan makanan vegetarian ini ialah asam dan pedas dengan memakai material dasar kangkung. Salah satu variasi yang populer ialah plecing kangkung dari Lombok karena rasanya dipandang lebih menarik. Gabungkan dengan macam lauk lain seperti tahu dan tempe untuk membuat makin nikmat.

10. Pecel sayur

Pecel ialah salah satu makanan berbahan dasar sayur yang cukup populer. Dihidangkan bersama tahu, tempe, dan beragam tambahan lain, racikan sauce kacang yang dibubuhkan di atasnya makin menambah rasanya nikmat.

Gizi dalam beragam tipe makanan vegetarian

Secara alami, memang lumayan banyak gizi yang terdapat di dalam macam tipe makanan dengan bahan dasar daging atau yang dari hewan. Rintangan untuk temukan gizi yang ada pada bahan makanan itu selanjutnya harus ditemui oleh Anda yang ingin coba diet sehat dengan makanan vegetarian.

Dikatakan di dalam website sah Dinas Kesehatan Negara Sisi Victoria, Asutralia, gizi fundamental harus menjadi perhatian untuk diet makanan vegetarian. Dimulai dari protein, macam mineral,vitamin B12, sampai vitamin D, yang biasanya diketemukan dalam makanan yang dari hewan. Bila merujuk dalam artikel berkaitan, sejumlah sumber dari gizi yang disebut sebelumnya bisa didapat dari makan-makanan berikut:

1. Protein, bisa didapat dari kacang-kacangan, beberapa bijian, produk kedelai, sereal dengan gandum utuh, sampai macam makanan seperti quino

2. Mineral penting bisa didapat dari berbagai ragam makanan berbasiskan tanaman. Untuk zat besi, zinc, kalsium, yodium, vitamin B12, dan vitamin D bisa Anda dapatkan dari tipe makanan berikut ini:

  • Zat besi, produk sereal plus tambahan zat besi, gandum utuh, tahu, sayur hijau, buah kering, dan kacang-kacangan.
  • Zinc, bisa didapat dari kacang-kacangan, tahu, bibit gandum, dan makanan berbasiskan gandum utuh yang lain.
  • Kalsium, didapat dari susu berbahan dasar tanaman yang diperkaya kalsium, sereal dan juice buah plus tambahan kalsium, tahini atau pasta biji wijen, beberapa macam tahu, sayur dengan daun warna hijau gelap, dan kacang-kacangan seperti almond dan kacang Brazil.
  • Yodium, bisa didapat dari roti terkecuali dengan cap ‘organik’ atau ‘tanpa tambahan garam’, rumput laut, beberapa macam susu berbasiskan tanaman, dan garam beryodium.
  • Vitamin B12, bisa didapat dari minuman yang dari kedelai, dan beberapa macam sosis dan burger vegetarian.
  • Vitamin D, bisa didapat dari beberapa macam sereal, dan susu dengan pangkalan tanaman.

Pasti Anda pun bisa secara gampang minta referensi dari dokter atau ahli nutrisi keyakinan untuk tipe gizi yang lain diperlukan dan ingin didapat dari makanan vegetarian.

Manfaat mengonsumsi makanan vegetarian

Dikutip dari, minimal terdapat dua Manfaat khusus dari mengonsumsi makanan vegetarian yang sudah dilakukan dengan stabil dan berkesinambungan sebagai berikut:

1. Penangkalan penyakit degeneratif

Jalankan diet vegetarian dengan konsumsi makanan berbasiskan tanaman akan kurangi lemak yang masuk ke badan. Lemak jemu, sama seperti yang Anda kenali, memiliki dampak yang kurang sehat dan menjadi penyebab penyakit degeneratif.

Dengan langkah ini, Anda bisa menghindar dari dampak negatif penyakit degeneratif yang ada karena konsumsi bahan makanan yang memiliki kandungan kandungan kurang sehat. Penyakit ini berbagai ragam, dimulai dari kanker, diabetes, jantung, dan lain-lain.

2. Menolong turunkan berat tubuh

Mengonsumsi makanan vegetarian baik sekali untuk turunkan berat tubuh. Bila Anda memiliki jadwal pengurangan berat, karena itu makanan semacam ini akan pas untuk dicoba. Terang, Anda harus stabil dan disiplin saat menjalankannya.

Lemak yang dari sumber nabati memiliki kandungan lebih rendah dibanding lemak dari sumber makanan hewani. Lemak yang ada pula bukan tipe lemak jemu, menjadi bisa membuat kurangi penimbunan yang muncul karena konsumsi yang kebanyakan.

Menghambat penyakit degeneratif yang beresiko untuk kesehatan bisa dilaksanakan konsumsi makanan vegetarian sesuai instruksi dokter atau ahli nutrisi keyakinan Anda. Sama seperti yang diketahui, penyakit degeneratif bukan hanya akan turunkan tingkat kesehatan, namun beresiko pada keadaan keuangan karena akan memerlukan biaya pengobatan dan perawatan yang cukup banyak. Ini alasan Anda membutuhkan produk asuransi yang pas untuk menolong menghambat dampak negatif keuangan jikamana terkena penyakit degeneratif, seperti sakit jantung dan kanker.

Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie is a must-have dessert for the holiday season. The sweet, spiced pumpkin custard filling is classic and delicious in a homemade (or store bought) pie crust served with a dollop of Vegan Whipped Cream.

This‘s recipe is ridiculously easy to make. All you have to do is blend the ingredients, pour, bake and enjoy!

How to make vegan pumpkin pie, step by step:

  1. Add all pumpkin pie filling ingredients to a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into pie crust lined pan.
  4. Bake. Chill. Eat.

Special Tips & Substitutions:

  • Pie Crust: I used my Easy Vegan Pie Crust, which is the best option for a traditional, buttery pie crust. You may also use Gluten Free Pie Crust or a store bought vegan pie crust, I won’t judge!
  • Coconut cream: Use coconut cream if you can, it will give you the most consistent results. If you can’t find coconut cream, use full fat coconut milk from a can, and use as much of the white creamy part as you can. Do not substitute another milk, as the pie will be more pudding like than custard like in texture. Trust me, I’ve tested it.
  • Sugar: You may use coconut sugar instead of brown sugar if you want. For a less sweet filling, use half the amount called for. You may also use 1/2 cup of maple syrup if you’d like.
  • Cornstarch: May use tapioca starch or arrowroot if desired instead of cornstarch.

Make fun little pie crust leaves like I did! To make the pie crust leaves, make an extra pie crust. Roll it about 1/8th inch thick and cut into leaf shapes with mini-leaf cookie cutters. Bake on a pan for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F.

Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Vegan Pumpkin Pie


  • 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
  • 1 cup coconut cream*
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 recipe Easy Vegan Pie Crust
  • Vegan Whipped Cream optional, for serving


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare a pie crust in a pie plate.
  • Add the canned pumpkin, coconut cream, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, salt and cornstarch to a blender and blend until very smooth. You may also simply whisk it together in a bowl until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a 9-inch pan lined with a pie crust. May use a vegan store bought vegan pie crust, my Easy Vegan Pie Crust, or this Gluten Free Pie Crust. I don’t pre-cook the pie crust. Spread the mixture evenly with a spatula.
  • Bake for 1 hour. If the crust starts to burn, cover the edges of the crust with aluminum foil or a pie shield after about 30 minutes of baking. The middle will still look jiggly; that’s normal. Let cool at room temperature for 30 minutes, then cover and transfer to the refrigerator to chill for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  • Slice and serve with Vegan Whipped Cream or store bought non-dairy whipped topping, if desired. Enjoy!
  • For the Pie Crust Leaves: These are totally optional for decoration. Make or buy an extra pie crust, and roll out the dough about 1/8th inch thick. Using leaf cookie cutters, cut into shapes. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F.


  1. I recommend my Easy Vegan Pie Crust recipe for best results, but you can use a store bought vegan pie crust (Whole Foods carries one I know of) OR Gluten Free Pie Crust for a lighter option.
  2. Don’t substitute another milk for the full fat coconut cream or your pie filling won’t thicken up the same way. If you can’t find coconut cream, you can use cans of coconut milk but only use the rich, creamy, thick white part, not the liquid for best results. I tried it with another milk and it was more of a pudding than a custard pie.
  3. May substitute coconut sugar for the brown sugar. If you don’t want the pie so sweet, use 1/2 the amount of sugar, OR use 1/2 cup maple syrup instead of the brown sugar.
  4. You can use arrowroot or tapioca starch for the cornstarch if needed.
  5. Store leftover pumpkin pie loosely covered in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. To freeze, let the whole pie completely cool. Then wrap it tightly in several layers of plastic wrap, then even a layer of foil to protect it from freezer burn.


Serving: 1serving | Calories: 270kcal | Carbohydrates: 41g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 12g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Sodium: 244mg | Potassium: 119mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 27g | Vitamin A: 19IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 34mg | Iron: 2mg
Garden of Life Protein Powder Review

Garden of Life Protein Powder Review

The products featured in this article have been independently reviewed. When you buy something through the retail links on this page, we may earn commission at no cost to you, the reader. The Sports Illustrated editorial team is not involved in the creation of this content. Learn more here.

Garden of Life is a respected wellness and nutrition brand that offers a vast assortment of clean vitamins and supplements. While Garden of Life is known for its probiotics and multivitamins, protein powders are arguably one of its most popular offerings. That’s because Garden of Life sells 70 protein supplements, which range from plant-based protein powder to protein powder made out of grass-fed whey. There are even protein powders loaded with minerals and nutrients that double as meal replacements, and protein powders for different goals such as weight loss or muscle recovery. Not to mention, protein bars and protein powder for coffee.

While it can seem like Garden of Life protein powders are endless, there are a few standout products. Our Garden of Life protein powder review will cover the brand’s top-selling protein powders, its ingredients and what they work best for. We’ll also share everything you need to know about the Garden of Life brand to help you make an informed decision and determine which protein powder is best for your needs.

This content is meant to be informative, but should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention or treatment of health problems. Always speak with your doctor before starting any new supplement or exercise regimen.

What Is Garden of Life?

Garden of Life is a nutrition brand that offers clean vitamins and supplements. As an affordable line and household staple for many, Garden of Life makes products for just about all age groups, health needs, diets and lifestyles. Founded in 2000, Garden of Life was created by author and wellness speaker Jordan Rubin, who was inspired by his recovery from chronic illness and wanted to help others take charge of their health in their own unique way.

Garden of Life products are derived from whole foods and include clean, traceable ingredients. All products, including protein powders, are free of synthetic ingredients, binders, fillers, artificial flavors and colorings. As of 2021, Garden of Life also became the first vitamin and supplement brand to be Certified Carbon Neutral, and promises a commitment to sustainable products and processes. Whether you’re looking for supplements for brain health, energy, mood and stress or immunity, Garden of Life sells products across 10 different health categories.

Within the Garden of Life brand are also sub-brands like Sport, Raw Probiotics, Vitamin Code and myKind Organics, the latter of which is fully certified organic and non-GMO verified by the Non-GMO Project. Each one of these lines tailors to a different need and lifestyle, and there are even Garden of Life protein powders under these various sub-brands (like Dr. Formulated). Here are the most popular Garden of Life protein powders and everything to know about them.

Garden of Life Protein Powder Review

Garden of Life Protein Powder Bestsellers

Raw Organic Protein Powder Unflavored

  • Price: $50.99
  • Ingredients: Raw organic protein blend with organic pea protein, organic sprouted brown rice protein, organic amaranth sprout and more
  • Flavor: None, this protein powder is unflavored
  • Amount of protein per serving: 22 grams
  • Servings per container: 20

If you prefer an unflavored protein powder to mix into your protein shakes or cold liquids, check out Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein Powder. It comes flavor-free and uses an organic plant-based formula. This gluten-free and Non-GMO Project-verified protein blend includes a mix of organic superfoods like chia seed, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed and flax seed. It also incorporates a prebiotic fiber blend to help support a healthy gut, and is entirely free of added sugars. Plus, it has higher doses of Vitamin D (50 percent of your daily value), zinc (25 percent of your daily value) and Vitamin E (20 percent of your daily value) in each serving, which can be beneficial for vegetarian or vegan diets that can make it harder to get these essential nutrients through food.

Packing in 22 grams of plant protein per serving, this protein powder can easily be used to up your protein intake. It can work just as well for post-workout recovery and includes four grams of branched chain amino acids, or BCAAs, that can help promote muscle growth and increased muscle strength. In addition, this plant protein powder is nearly carbohydrate-free and includes less than one gram per serving, making it a great option for those following keto or paleo diets.

Raw Organic Fit Protein Powder Chocolate Cacao Powder

  • Price: $51.99
  • Ingredients: Raw organic protein blend, raw organic ashwagandha root, organic alfalfa sprout, raw probiotic and enzyme blend and more
  • Flavor: Chocolate, vanilla
  • Amount of protein per serving: 28 grams
  • Servings per container: 10

If weight loss is your goal, look no further than Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit Protein Chocolate Cacao Powder. This plant-based protein powder packs in a whopping 28 grams of protein per serving, making it effective for weight loss since protein intake is proven to help suppress hunger and promote a feeling of being full. It also includes an organic weight loss and stress management blend with raw organic decaffeinated green coffee bean extract and raw organic ashwagandha root, which studies prove to be effective for body weight management. Overall, this protein powder can help you achieve more lean body mass, and it comes in a tasty chocolate flavor that blends well into smoothies with almond milk (or other liquids) without a chalky texture. If chocolate isn’t for you, this protein powder also comes in vanilla flavor.

Most diets can work alongside Raw Organic Fit protein powder, since it’s vegan, gluten-free, certified USDA organic, and is dairy- and soy-free. It also has less than one gram of sugar and is full of essential amino acids that promote muscle synthesis and growth. While some plant proteins aren’t complete, meaning they don’t have the nine types of amino acids found in food that help your body function, this high protein powder uses a blend of numerous plant sources to help ensure that each serving provides you with complete protein.

SPORT Certified Grass Fed Whey Chocolate

  • Price: $59.99
  • Ingredients: Whey protein isolate, milk protein, organic cocoa, organic stevia extract and more
  • Flavor: Chocolate, vanilla
  • Amount of protein per serving: 24 grams
  • Servings per container: 20

Those using protein powder to support fitness goals like increasing muscle mass or lean body mass can benefit from Garden of Life SPORT Certified Grass Fed Whey Chocolate protein powder, which includes 24 grams of premium whey isolate and milk protein per serving. This whey protein powder has minimal ingredients and zero grams of sugar. Instead, it’s sweetened with organic stevia extract to help give it a pleasant chocolate taste that blends well with peanut butter or other nut butters (or, you can simply mix this supplement into cold water). In addition to providing 48 percent of the recommended daily value of protein, it also contains two billion CFU (or measurement units) per serving of probiotics that can help support healthy digestion.

Plus, those specifically seeking out the fitness benefits (as the Garden of Life Sport line is designated for) will be glad to know that this protein powder includes four grams of glutamine and glutamic acid, which can help enhance strength and muscle powder, while also preventing fatigue. Even more energy comes from 10 milligrams of naturally-occuring caffeine per serving that can slightly amp up your workout. However, if you’re sensitive to caffeine or need to watch your caffeine intake (such as during pregnancy), you may want to consider a different protein powder.

SPORT Organic Plant-Based Protein Vanilla

  • Price: $59.99
  • Ingredients: Organic performance protein blend with legumes like pea protein, navy bean and lentil bean, plus organic apple, turmeric and more
  • Flavor: Vanilla, chocolate
  • Amount of protein per serving: 30 grams
  • Servings per container: 19

Garden of Life’s plant-friendly version of the protein powder above is Sport Organic Plant-Based Protein Vanilla. It offers 30 grams of plant protein per serving and tastes delicious mixed into unsweetened or vanilla-flavored almond milk. With no sweeteners and plenty of vitamins per serving including calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium, this plant-based protein powder can help support active individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet (iron can be especially tough to get on these diets, but this supplement has 40 percent of the recommended daily value). It also includes an organic recovery blend containing apple, tart cherry and turmeric, the latter of which has been proven to help decrease inflammation and promote muscle recovery.

In addition, this complete plant protein powder for fitness includes two billion CFU of probiotics, five grams of glutamine and glutamic acid, and nearly six grams of BCAAs. It’s also vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and low in carbs, which makes it versatile for different dietary needs. Plus, it also has certifications from Informed Choice and NSF Certified Sport, which are global testing programs that monitor harmful substances in sport supplements (which this protein is free of).

Organic Creamy Protein with Oatmilk

  • Price: $44.99
  • Ingredients: Organic protein blend with quinoa, buckwheat and more, plus oat milk powder, coconut MCT oil powder and stevia leaf extract
  • Flavor: Vanilla cookie, chocolate brownie
  • Amount of protein per serving: 20 grams
  • Servings per container: 20

If you’re a fan of oat milk and/or cookies, Garden of Life Organic Creamy Protein with Oatmilk combines the best of both worlds. This plant-based and certified vegan protein powder includes a sprouted organic protein blend that contains quinoa, buckwheat, millet, chia and more, plus an organic plant milk blend with its star ingredient, oat milk powder and coconut milk powder. In addition, this protein powder features a prebiotic and probiotic blend for gut health support.

Packing in 20 grams of complete plant protein per serving, this protein powder has a creamy vanilla cookie flavor that goes beyond traditional vanilla, offering a new take on the classic flavor. It’s also higher in dietary fiber, which can help keep you full, while remaining low in sugar at less than one gram per serving. This protein powder is higher in saturated fat, however, so if you eat a lower fat diet for personal or health reasons, you may want to consider a different product; each serving includes 13 percent of the recommended daily value of saturated fat.

Raw Organic Meal Shake & Meal Replacement Vanilla Powder

  • Price: $36.99
  • Ingredients: Organic sprouted protein blend with pea and brown rice protein, plus organic fiber blend with tapioca fiber, chia seed and flax meal
  • Flavor: Vanilla, spiced chai, chocolate, lightly sweet
  • Amount of protein per serving: 20 grams
  • Servings per container: 14

Meal replacements can help you get a full “plate” of nutrients if you don’t have time to cook or eat a whole food meal. Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal Shake & Meal Replacement Vanilla Powder doubles as both a protein powder and a meal replacement loaded with 44 superfoods. From organic tomato to organic green bell pepper, to even organic kale and organic asparagus, this protein blend provides essential nutrients that are otherwise found in food. Each serving of this vanilla-flavored plant protein powder includes 20 grams of protein, plus a whopping 380 percent of the recommended daily value of Vitamin B12, which supports nerve and cell function, and 140 percent of the recommended daily value of biotin, which also helps with cell function and can help promote strong hair and nails. In addition, it has a probiotic and enzyme blend.

While this meal replacement protein powder works great for busy individuals on the go who need not only a filling shake, but a boost of nutrients, it may not be the best fit for those simply looking to up their protein intake who already get a lot of these nutrients through food (that’s because getting too many vitamins can make you feel sick or cause unpleasant side effects).

Other Garden of Life Protein Powder

In addition to the protein powders included in our list, Garden of Life produces 70 protein supplements that range in flavor, protein source and ingredients.

What to Consider Before Making a Purchase

To determine which Garden of Life protein powder might be best for you, there are a few factors to consider in advance. Here’s what you should think about before making a purchase.


As is the case with almost all buys, price is a major driving factor in deciding which product is right for you. While Garden of Life is a more affordable brand, some types of protein powder, like the Sport line, tend to be more expensive than others. Plus, if you’re using protein powder daily, you’ll probably go through a container quickly – which can easily drive up costs. Determine your monthly budget for protein powder, then carefully check your budget against how many servings are in a container.

Protein source

Protein source matters, especially if you follow a specific diet or simply prefer one type of protein over the other for health or fitness reasons. Those eating vegetarian or vegan, or who are sensitive to dairy, should steer towards a plant-based protein powder. Luckily, Garden of Life offers plant protein powders with a variety of protein blends, so you aren’t stuck with only one option. If you prefer an animal-sourced protein, the whey protein powders will likely be a better choice for you. Still, at the end of the day, some people simply prefer the taste and texture of plant versus whey protein, or vice-versa.


Whatever your reason for consuming protein powder might be, whether that’s to lose weight, build muscle or simply increase your protein intake, Garden of Life designs products that meet a variety of goals. Consider your reason for using protein powder and consult our guide or the brand’s website to find a protein powder that’s right for you (those on a weight loss journey, for example, can benefit from Garden of Life protein powder like Raw Organic Fit).


All Garden of Life products are clean, and most, but not all, of the protein powders are organic. While you’ll see some similar ingredients across many of the supplements, each protein powder is unique in what’s included. If you have any food allergies, be sure to carefully skim ingredients lists for potential culprits, and if you already get a lot of nutrients through food, carefully check the vitamin and mineral content as well. Some protein powders are fortified with high levels of vitamins, so it’s important not to accidentally overdo your intake (which can lead to side effects).

What Customers Have to Say about Garden of Life

Garden of Life protein powder tends to get mostly positive reviews, with the plant-protein powders in particular receiving the highest ratings. Buyers of SPORT Organic Plant-Based Protein in the vanilla flavor, for example, praise the smooth texture and easy digestion. Garden of Life website reviewer Greg writes, “The texture is smooth unlike other brands,” while a second website reviewer Alexis says, “I’ve had a hard time finding a protein powder that doesn’t disrupt my digestion, and this one does the trick perfectly.” Meanwhile, Ave, an Amazon reviewer of Organic Creamy Vanilla Protein with Oatmilk, says that this protein powder “had really good flavor,” but was “a little hard to stir and took a while to get rid of the lumps.” She also notes that the protein powder was “a little thick” and likens it to an eggnog consistency.


Is Garden of Life protein powder plant-based?

Many Garden of Life protein powders are plant-based, although the brand offers numerous whey protein powders as well. These plant protein powders include a variety of protein blends that pull protein from different plant sources, like organic pea and brown rice.

Is Garden of Life protein powder good for weight gain?

Garden of Life isn’t the best brand to consider for protein powder that promotes weight gain, since all protein powders are relatively lower in calories and fat (with the exception of the keto products). To gain weight with protein powder, you’ll want to consider a mass gainer, which can pack in hundreds of calories per serving and higher fat and protein content to support weight gain.

Where is Garden of Life protein powder made?

Garden of Life protein powder is produced in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, where the brand is currently headquartered.

Is Garden of Life a complete protein powder?

Garden of Life offers complete protein powders, regardless of protein source. Whey protein is automatically a complete protein, while plant-based protein powders include protein blends that use different plant sources to make them complete.

Final Thoughts

Garden of Life is a leading brand in the nutrition world, and its protein powders are staples across many households. With 70 products to choose from, it’s no wonder that Garden of Life protein powder is so popular – and there are protein supplements that meet a variety of health and fitness goals, like weight loss, muscle gain and meal replacement. If you’re considering a Garden of Life protein powder, be sure to consult our list of bestsellers to learn more about its prices, health benefits, ingredients, protein source and flavor options.

5-Minute Vegan Cashew Queso

5-Minute Vegan Cashew Queso

Need vegan queso and need it fast? Look no further! This recipe requires just 7 ingredients5 minutes, and 1 blender. Let’s do this!

This recipe was born out of pure necessity. Some friends were over one night and we ordered Mexican food and I needed some queso STAT. So, I figured blending up some cashews with hot water would work. Guess what? It totally did.

Typically I like to soak my cashews before blending, but in a pinch this little trick totally works! Because sometimes you just need queso and you need it right now — you feel me?

Origins of Queso

Queso, also called chile con queso, is a melty, cheesy dip that’s typically served alongside tortilla chips. It’s believed to have originated in Texas in the early 1900s (source).

Though you may find chile con queso at some Mexican restaurants in the US, it’s much different than the authentic Mexican queso (called queso fundido) that likely inspired it. While queso fundido is typically made with soft white cheeses, chile con queso is usually made with more processed American cheeses. You can learn more about the history and differences in this website

Our version is not traditional, but is inspired by the creaminess and heat of chile con queso and also influenced by North African flavor with the addition of harissa paste.

5-Minute Vegan Cashew Queso

How to Make Vegan Queso

This queso is comprised of raw cashews, nutritional yeast, garlic, spices, water, and a little hot sauce or harissa paste blended to creamy perfection. That’s it!

You can make it spicier, cheesier, or more garlicky to taste — the options are endless.

We hope you love our new quick, go-to queso! It’s:

  • Fast
  • Creamy
  • Cheesy
  • Smoky and spicy
  • & Incredibly delicious

This would make the perfect dip for Mexican night and beyond. Lately I’ve been keeping a jar around for adding to Cauliflower Rice Burrito Bowls, or just to dip with corn chips. Swoon.

5-Minute Vegan Cashew Queso

Creamy vegan queso ready in just 5 minutes! Cheesy, quick and easy to make, and perfect for serving with nachos, burrito bowls, tacos, and more!
  • Servings (1/4-cup servings)
  • Course Dip, Side
  • Cuisine Gluten-Free, Mexican-Inspired, Vegan
  • Freezer Friendly 1 month
  • Does it keep? 1 Week


  • 3/4 – 1 cup hot water
  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt, plus more to taste
  • 1 Tbsp harissa (or sub hot salsa, hot sauce, Ro-Tel, or 1 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce // plus more for garnish)


  • Add all ingredients to a blender (starting with the lesser amount of water) and blend until creamy, adding more water as needed to blend until creamy and smooth. We recommend a small blender (we prefer the NutriBullet), or a high-speed blender. Add just enough water to achieve a creamy, pourable queso. If it gets too thin, thicken with additional raw cashews.
  • Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding more nutritional yeast for cheesiness, salt to taste, cumin for smokiness, chili powder or harissa for heat, or garlic for zing. It should be quite flavorful, so don’t be shy.
  • Serve with chips or add to things like tacos, nachos, burritos, and more! Garnish with additional harissa or a spoonful of fresh salsa or hot sauce for serving (optional).
  • Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator up to 5-7 days, or in the freezer up to 1 month. To thaw from frozen, set in refrigerator for 24-48 hours. Reheat in microwave or in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Add more water as needed if it thickens when reheating.


*Nutrition information is a rough estimate for 1 (1/4-cup) serving calculated without additional garnish, chips for dipping, or other sides.

Nutrition (1 of 6 servings)

  • Serving: 1 (1/4-cup serving)
  • Calories: 133
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Protein: 5 gFat: 9 g
  • Saturated Fat: 1 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 237 mg
  • Potassium: 209 mg
  • Fiber: 1 gSugar: 1 g
  • Vitamin A: 150 IU
  • Vitamin C: 0.6 mg
  • Calcium: 8 mg
  • Iron: 1.8 mg
The 12 Best Vegan Protein Bars

The 12 Best Vegan Protein Bars

Whether you need post-pickleball game fuel or a hearty on-the-go snack, these vegan protein bars fit the bill.

Check out our list of the 12 best vegan protein bars to easily amp up your protein intake!


GoMacro’s sustainable bars are all the rage, and here’s why. They are larger and heartier than your average vegan protein bar, available in the most delectable flavors, and sustainably made! Our top pick for protein intake? The Protein Decadence MacroBar, which boasts a rich, chocolaty flavor with pockets of crunchy almond pieces.


Power through your day with a POSSIBLE Meal Bar! A strategic combination of organic, vegan, and gluten-free ingredients make up these delicious snacks. Each serving contains 20g of protein and provides a good source of magnesium and healthy fats.

Clif Builders

Meet the classic Clif Bar’s protein-packed sibling, Builders Protein! So the next time you hit the gym or your fancy new WFH desk treadmill, rip open one of these bars to help rebuild and repair your muscles with 20g of clean plant protein.

No Cow

Let us put you onto No Cow’s Protein Bars and Dipped Protein Bars! These snackable sweets come in a variety of droolworthy flavors—with stellar nutrition facts. They’re low in fat and sugar (just 1g) and high in fiber and protein. What more could you wish for?

Real Food Bar

Real Food Bar makes their vegan protein bars from—well, real food! Specifically, pea protein, coconut oil, nut butter, and even hidden veggies like kale and cauliflower. The current flavor lineup includes Cherry Cashew, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Chip, Chocolate Sea Salt, and Espresso Chip.

The 12 Best Vegan Protein Bars

IQ Bar

Just because something is vegan, doesn’t mean it’s loaded with carbs! Exhibit A: IQ Bar’s vegan keto protein bars. With a wicked portfolio of flavors like Matcha Chai, Lemon Blueberry, and Chocolate Sea Salt, IG Bar makes something for everyone! Can’t decide? Order the 7 Bar Sampler to try all of the flavors.


Misfits’ chocolate-covered plant-based bars are the ultimate protein-enhanced dessert dupe. We’re talking about flavors like Choc S’mores, Cookie Dough, Cookie Butter, White Choc Caramel, Strawberries & Cream, and more! But don’t let these rich flavors throw you off, each vegan, gluten-free bar offers 15g of protein and just 1g of sugar!


Have you tried lupini beans before? These sustainable legumes offer three times the protein of eggs, three times the fiber of oats, and all nine amino acids. Lupii uses this powerful ingredient as a base for their vegan protein bars. So, why not order a box to give ‘em a try?


What’s tasty, nutritious, and R.E.D.D. all over? Why, R.E.D.D.’s vegan protein bars, of course! In addition to fiber and protein, these energy-inducing snacks feature an adaptogenic mushroom blend, prebiotics, and probiotics.

Why Bars

This Michigan-based vegan food brand produces its protein bars in small batches using organic, vegan, and gluten-free ingredients. Whether you’re a fruity or chocolaty person, Why Bars stocks a flavor for you—from Zesty Lemon to Super Cacao!



You may have seen these eye-catching bars at Trader Joe’s—and let us just say, they taste even better than they look! Barebells’ vegan Salty Peanut and Hazelnut Nougat Plant-Based Protein Bars come in at 15g of protein, 1g of sugar, and 220 calories a pop. Best of all, they taste like candy bars!

Picky Bars


Picky Bars’ new Nut Butter Bars are just what you need to take your post-workout snacking to the next level. Created by athletes, for athletes, these bars are loaded with clean ingredients that will make you feel like a gold medalist.

Best Vegan Brunch Recipes

Best Vegan Brunch Recipes

Are you looking for inspiration for your next vegan brunch? Get inspiration from these wholesome vegan brunch recipes that are easy to makecomforting, and incredibly tasty.

We’ve listed more than 25 of our best brunch recipes that help you get ready for the ultimate Sunday brunch at home! Browse through this list, and take your pick: from frittata muffins, and homemade spreads, to fluffy pancakes – all vegetarian and vegan-friendly. Hopefully, you will get as excited about brunch as we are!

1. Vegan Crepes
Vegan crepes are thin, light, and every bit as delicious as regular french crepes. Fill them with homemade Nutella for the perfect breakfast or brunch.

2. Vegan Banana Bread
One-bowl, one-fork, 7-ingredient vegan banana bread. We developed this recipe so that you can make the best, easiest vegan banana bread any time you feel like it, without needing complicated vegan ingredients.
3. Vegan French Toast
Vegan french toast is one of the best weekend breakfasts ever. This recipe makes a perfectly thick french toast that is crispy on the outside, and silky on the inside. Best of all? You can make this recipe in just 15 minutes!
4. Vegan frittata
Would you believe me if I told you that this eggless vegan frittata, made in 15 minutes with chickpea flour, is just as good as a traditional frittata? This vegan frittata is crisp on the outsidesoft and moist on the inside, and for some reason, it feels like eating a regular egg frittata.
5. Homemade granola
This homemade granola is a wholesome and crunchy recipe made with a few simple whole food plant-based ingredients. It is the perfect make-ahead breakfast and brunch idea to eat with plant-based yogurt and fresh fruit.
Best Vegan Brunch Recipes
6. Chickpea Muffins
They are very similar to vegan mini quiches, and made with chickpea flour – so you can customize them with any vegetables of your choice. A colorful and tasty addition to a vegan brunch buffet!
7. Vegan oatmeal pancakes
These vegan oatmeal pancakes with apples are a simple and healthy oatmeal pancake recipe without eggs and without milk, perfect to enjoy with a glass of orange juice on a Sunday morning. They are lightmoistnutritioussweet, and full of apple flour.
8. Vegan egg salad
If you are looking for a great, quick, and fulfilling vegan brunch or snack idea, you need to try this vegan egg salad. Made with tofu, vegan mayo, and herbs, it’s great on a sandwich or on top of slices of cucumber.
9. Muffins with oat flour
healthy and tasty brunch option that is also ideal as a snack. They are easy to make and contain plenty of dietary fiber and natural sugar that will give you a slow release of energy and keep you full longer.
10. Tomato confit
Tomatoes made this way can elevate any kind of meal; as a juicy side dish, a starter served with toasted bread, or as a topping on a serving of tofu scramble.
11. Easy oat cookies with raisins
Oat cookies with raisins are a great make-ahead recipe for those weeks when you need a quick-to-go breakfast or a healthy snack.
12. Vegan pancakes
Soft, tall, fluffy, and easy to make, these vegan pancakes are the best pancakes you’ll ever have. After many rounds of testing, we are happy to share our tips to make the best homemade vegan pancakes ever.
13. Vegan tuna
Vegan tuna is a quick and easy recipe made with mashed chickpeas. It’s the perfect replacement for tuna in a sandwich or served on cucumber or in cherry tomatoes as a savory brunch dish.
14. Tofu scramble
Tofu scramble is the perfect breakfast and brunch recipe. Its texture is soft and creamy, just like really good scrambled eggs.
15. Healthy Granola bars with peanut butter
You can make them in just over half an hour, without cooking or baking, and have them ready for a quick on-the-go breakfast, or as a healthy snack.
17. 7-ingredient vegan apple cake
You won’t believe how soft, moist and easy this cake is. We love it so much that we even made a whole-wheat one and one filled with our mouthwatering vegan custard. Want a muffin version – make these 30-minute apple muffins instead.
18. Savory chickpea crepes
Chickpea crepes are the vegan version of savory French pancakes. They are truly delicious and easy to make (especially with this easy bechamel sauce) – perfect when you feel like eating something different.
19. Tomato bruschetta
Tomato bruschetta is crunchyjuicygarlicky and perfect as an appetizer, dinner, or even for brunch. The recipe is simple, and you can make it in 10 minutes with a few ingredients.
20. Cinnamon rolls
Our vegan cinnamon rolls are easy to make, lightly toasted on the outside, soft and moist on the inside, and with a tad of caramelized sugar underneath.

21. Zucchini muffins

Light, airy, and with walnuts, these zucchini muffins will lighten up your morning (or dessert). You can even use the dough for vegan zucchini bread instead.

22. Chocolate glazed donuts

These chocolate donuts are richelegant, and perfectly chocolatey. They whip up in 5 minutes and bake in 20, so you’ll have a quick and luxurious breakfast ready in no time!

23. Blueberry muffins

Perfect as snackdessert, and vegan brunch idea! These vegan blueberry muffins are soft, light, moist, and packed with juicy blueberries. They are easy to make with only 8 simple ingredients, and you can whip them up in 5 minutes.

24. Sweet potato salad

This sweet potato salad is a great addition to a Sunday brunch with friends and family! Oven-roasted or air-fried sweet potato salad with ripe avocado, arugula, creamy mustard dressing, and a tiny bit of vegan feta cheese is a delicious, colorful, and nutritious meal.

25. Eggplant pizza

Eggplant pizza is so much fun and great for a family brunch! First, make the “pizza crust” with roasted eggplant slices, add some tomato sauce or marinara sauce, a pinch of melty cheese of any kind, and bake until it melts.

26. Crispy kale chips

These crispy and tasty kale chips are great as an appetizer, brunch idea, and healthy snack idea. They make a colorfullight, and fun addition to a wholesome dinner or a Sunday morning with friends.

27. Banana nut bread

Learn how to make banana nut bread with 8 simple pantry staples in one bowl and with one fork. It only takes 10 minutes to whip up and about 45 minutes to cook. For us, there’s no better make-ahead breakfast and brunch-worthy sweet bread!

28. Sweet potato muffins

Sweet potato muffins are delicate, moist, and with a pleasantly sweet and earthy flavor from the sweet potatoes. Eat them for breakfastbrunch, or as a sweet treat after a meal.

29. Homemade donuts with proofed dough

This donut recipe is easy, made with very simple ingredients, and you can either deep-fry or oven-bake the donuts.

30. Tomato salad

Juicycolorful, and great as a healthy addition to a brunch table. This tomato b is inspired by Italian salad traditions, with a creamy lemon vinaigrette and fresh basil leaves.


Here are some of our favorite ingredients that help replace eggs in a vegan brunch:

  • Chickpea flour: also known as garbanzo bean flour. It’s a gluten-free flour made from ground chickpea and it is a great egg replacement. We use chickpea flour in our vegan frittata, chickpea muffins, and chickpea crepes.
  • Kala Namak: (Black Salt) this is the secret ingredient to many of our “eggy” recipes, such as tofu scramble and vegan egg salad. It’s optional, but if you are trying to substitute eggs and you like an eggy taste, we strongly recommend it.
  • Cornstarch: in cakes and some sweet preparations, cornstarch can be used as a thickening agent instead of eggs. Often combined with a tiny bit of turmeric for color, and plant milk – such as soy, almond, or coconut – to replace dairy milk. It serves as a good egg substitute in our vegan custard and vegan french toast.
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2. Vegan Banana Bread
One-bowl, one-fork, 7-ingredient vegan banana bread. We developed this recipe so that you can make the best, easiest vegan banana bread any time you feel like it, without needing complicated vegan ingredients.2. Vegan Banana Bread
One-bowl, one-fork, 7-ingredient vegan banana bread. We developed this recipe so that you can make the best, easiest vegan banana bread any time you feel like it, without needing complicated vegan ingredients.2. Vegan Banana Bread
One-bowl, one-fork, 7-ingredient vegan banana bread. We developed this recipe so that you can make the best, easiest vegan banana bread any time you feel like it, without needing complicated vegan ingredients.
The 10 Best Vegetarian Dishes In the World

The 10 Best Vegetarian Dishes In the World

I’m sharing the 10 best vegetarian dishes in the world on this page.

If you are a vegetarian traveler like me, you surely understand it is so difficult to find good places or good dishes to eat around the world. The world can offer you endless meat and fish dishes, but for vegetarians, the options are so few. So what should we do? Forget about visiting the most amazing places in the world? No, you just need to go through this‘s list of some of the most amazing vegetarian dishes available through the world that will make your plate look colorful and your tummy happy.

The 10 Best Vegetarian Dishes In the World

1. Youtiao – China
Chinese people love meat and the concept of vegetarianism or veganism is something they never will understand. However, it is a diverse country as far as food is concerned and you get almost everything here – oily, stodgy, spicy or healthy. According to me the best vegetarian dish you can find in China, something the non-vegetarians will also love is youtiao. These are basically deep fried breadsticks generally eaten for breakfast or as a snack. They are soft, slightly salted, and delicious and are served as an accompaniment for soy milk or rice congee. Sweet lovers can dip their youtiao in peanut butter or chocolate sauce and enjoy the amazing taste.

2. Bolon de Verde – Ecuador
Vegetarians prefer not to visit South America as they feel all they offer are meat-based food. Meat, however, can be luxury there, and there are many dishes that are vegetarian, particularly in Ecuador where the popular ceviche is available with many vegetarian options. If you need something more filling then you can try Bolon de Verde which is a big ball of fried plantain filled with fresh cheese. People generally eat it for breakfast but it is enough to not make you feel hungry until lunch.

3. Tartiflette au Reblochon – France
French people are attractive and so are their dishes, the vegetarian menu as well. Amongst these, the one I love the most is Tartiflette au Reblochon. It is a very simple preparation made with potatoes, onions, reblochon cheese, spices, and white wine. You will find it commonly prepared in most French restaurants. Some people, however, add bacon or ham to the dish, so make sure you verify this before placing your order.

4. Gado Gado – Indonesia

Gado Gado is one of the most popular vegetarian dishes in Indonesia as you can have it made as spicy as you want and it will still taste great, and also because you can find it easily almost anywhere. It is basically a combination of potatoes, lontong cubes (Lontong is a dish made of compressed rice cake in the form of a cylinder wrapped inside a banana leaf), tofu, hard-boiled egg, green beans, and carrots topped with delicious peanut sauce. On top of it is served krupuk which is fried crispy crackers and tastes great when you munch it in between the Gado Gado bites.

5. Masala Dosa – India

India is one of the most amazing places in the world for vegetarians. Here you do not need to struggle to find the right dish. Every city in India offers great choices of vegetarian dishes, and you will go tired trying out the variety, but the choices never exhaust. However, masala dosa is amongst my favorite dishes in India. It is a South Indian specialty and is quite like a crepe but is made of black lentils and fermented rice batter. Curried peas and potatoes lie hidden inside the dosa, and it is served with various dips – chutneys (coconut and tomato are the popular ones) and sambar (a lentil stew that you can use as a dip or even spoon it into your mouth).

6. Pesto Trofie – Italy

Italy is known everywhere in the world for its pasta, and also the various sauces that come with it. Though there are many non-vegetarian popular sauces, pesto, originating from Northern Italy, is a treat for the vegetarians. It is made using crushed basil, salt, parmesan cheese and garlic and then a generous amount of olive oil is added to mix it with the pasta. The best thing about Italy is that it offers you so many different types of pasta, with Trofie being my favorite. A long strip of pasta is rolled and the string is then cut into small pieces, and this is how my favorite Trofie is made.

7. Doenjang Jjigae – South Korea
This is one of the most popular Korean national vegetarian dishes. Jjigae is a term used for stews and though it is brothy in nature it is still considered a stew. It is basically a soybean paste broth ideal for winters and is light and yummy. Mushrooms, bean sprouts, and tofu are added to the broth to give it body, and at times seafood may be added, so make sure to find that out before placing your order.

8. Vegetable momos and Dal Bhat – Nepal
If you have ever visited Nepal and have not tried eating Dal Bhat, then you have missed something. Dal is a yellow lentil soup and Bhat is boiled rice and this is the Nepal population’s daily staple. It is also commonly found eaten in Bangladesh and India. It is very filling and extremely delicious. You should also try some vegetable momos (dumplings). These dumplings are made fresh from the scratch every day and taste amazing. You surely never have even imagined that you can eat something so great that too at such inexpensive rates.

9. Vegetarian Tam Ponlamai – Thailand
Thailand can be a little tricky when you try searching for vegetarian dishes as most of the food here is cooked in fish sauce. So, it will be best to stick to a vegetarian only restaurant. One of their vegetarian dishes that I immediately fell in love with is a Thai fruit salad or Tam Ponlamai. This is a combination of fruits, usually rose apple, guava, watermelon, and dragon fruit is diced up and then dressed in lime juice, chilies, soy sauce, and peanuts. It is so delicious and so refreshing that words alone cannot describe.

10. Vinegret – Ukraine
Vinegret is a delicious salad made of potatoes, beetroots, chopped onions, carrots, brined pickles, and sauerkraut. It is very famous in the Soviet Union and now it is a well-known dish in the entire eastern European countries. It is the cheapest salad you can find on the menu, and thus is a great and delicious option for every budget vegetarian traveler.

So, the fact is vegetarians too have quite a few delicious options waiting for them all around the world, to suit every budget and to match every taste. So you can travel around the world in vegetarian dishes. There is absolutely nothing you need to worry about. Even if you plan to visit any other place, not mentioned in this list, a little bit of research will definitely help you find at least a few vegetarian dishes you can enjoy eating during your stay.

Top 10 Reasons to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Top 10 Reasons to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

No matter where you look, the food we consume is getting farther away from nature. Grocery store shelves are filled with processed foods with preservatives and additives that are hard to pronounce. When we’re not buying food at the store, it’s a cheeseburger and fries for dinner.

When you think about the effect this type of diet can have on your health, it’s troubling. It’s of little wonder the rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic diseases have increased steadily over the last few years.

Top 10 Reasons to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

To avoid being part of these statistics, you can start bringing your diet more in line with nature, and that means eating more fruits and vegetables. Here are the top 10 reasons that’s a great idea!

  1. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. You won’t find a better nutritional source than fruits and veggies, which are packed with vitamins A, C and E, as well as magnesium, zinc, phosphorous and folic acid. For potassium, one of the most important minerals for your health, eat plenty of avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, prunes and even tomato paste puree.
  2. You get to enjoy a variety of flavors and textures. With all their unique and interesting flavors, plant-based foods let you get creative in the kitchen.  You can try strong flavors like onions, olives and peppers, or milder options such as mushrooms and corn. For sweet flavors, fruits like pineapple, grapes or plums are great, while lemons and grapefruits are more sour.
  3. Lots and lots of fiber. Most fruits and vegetables have plenty of fiber to fill you up and boost gut health, but some have more than others. Fiber-rich vegetables include artichokes, green peas, broccoli and cauliflower. High-fiber fruits include raspberries, pears, apples and pumpkin.
  4. They’re low-calorie and low-fat. On average, fruits and especially vegetables are very low in calories and fat, which means you can eat more to keep you feeling full without worrying about extra calories or fat. You can save more than  200 calories by eating half a cup of grapes versus a fourth of a cup of  M&Ms. That said, there are exceptions, such as avocados, olives and coconuts.
  5. Protect against cancer and other diseases. Many vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals, which are biologically active substances that can help protect against some diseases. That means you can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer by adding them into your diet. Specifically cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, cabbage, collards and watercress, have been linked to reducing cancer risks.
  6. Fruits and vegetables help you maintain good health. Because they’re low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, fruits and vegetables are part of a well-balanced diet that can help you lose weight or prevent weight gain. Plus, they can help you decrease inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  7. Low in sodium and cholesterol. Fresh fruits and veggies contain only trace amounts of sodium. Many people think that celery is high in sodium, but in fact, one stalk contains a mere 30mg, which contributes 1 percent to the recommended daily value. Cholesterol doesn’t exist in fruits and veggies at all.
  8. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried – they’re ALL nutritious. While eating fresh fruits and vegetables may be your preference, there’s not much difference from a nutrition standpoint when you compare frozen, canned or dehydrated products. In fact, most frozen and canned products are processed within hours of harvest, so the nutritional value is locked in quickly.
  9. Convenient, quick and easy. Unlike granola bars or crackers, many fruits and vegetables don’t need any packaging. So you can easily grab a banana or an apple as you’re heading out the door.
  10. Finally… Smoothies! If you have a blender, all you need is fruit and ice to whip up a delicious smoothie using all of your favorite flavors. And here’s a tip – when you make a fruit smoothie, feel free to throw in as much fresh spinach as you like. Spinach doesn’t start to taste like “spinach” until you cook it. Even kids can’t tell the difference!

Enjoying fruits and vegetables is a great way to improve your health and actually enjoy what you eat. While it may take a little creativity, effort and an open mind to try new things, switching to a diet with more fruits and veggies is definitely worth it!