Sehat dan Berkelanjutan: Kenapa Vegan Jadi Pilihan Terbaik untuk Investasi Kesehatan Anda

Sehat dan Berkelanjutan: Kenapa Vegan Jadi Pilihan Terbaik untuk Investasi Kesehatan Anda

Saat ini, semakin banyak orang yang beralih ke pola makan vegan. Mungkin Anda juga mulai mendengar tentang tren ini dan bertanya-tanya, “Apakah vegan itu pilihan yang tepat untuk kesehatan saya?” Jawabannya adalah, ya! Pola makan vegan bukan hanya sekadar tren, tetapi juga sebuah investasi berkelanjutan untuk kesehatan tubuh Anda, lingkungan, dan masa depan planet ini. Mari kita ulas lebih dalam mengapa pola makan vegan bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik yang dapat Anda buat untuk kesehatan Anda.

1. Meningkatkan Kesehatan Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah

Salah satu alasan utama banyak orang memilih pola makan vegan adalah karena manfaatnya yang signifikan bagi kesehatan jantung. Penelitian starlight princess menunjukkan bahwa diet vegan yang kaya akan sayuran, buah-buahan, kacang-kacangan, dan biji-bijian dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol, mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, serta menurunkan tekanan darah. Menghindari produk hewani yang tinggi lemak jenuh akan membantu mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner yang menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kematian di dunia.

2. Mengurangi Risiko Penyakit Kronis

Pola makan vegan kaya akan serat, antioksidan, dan nutrisi penting lainnya yang sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah penyakit kronis, seperti diabetes tipe 2, obesitas, bahkan beberapa jenis kanker. Dengan mengurangi konsumsi produk hewani yang cenderung mengandung banyak lemak dan kolesterol, Anda memberi kesempatan bagi tubuh untuk bekerja lebih efisien dalam menjaga keseimbangan metabolisme dan meningkatkan sistem imun.

Selain itu, diet vegan juga rendah kalori, yang membantu menjaga berat badan ideal dan mencegah obesitas. Seiring dengan penurunan berat badan, risiko komplikasi kesehatan seperti hipertensi, diabetes, dan gangguan pernapasan juga berkurang secara signifikan.

3. Menjaga Kesehatan Pencernaan

Sistem pencernaan Anda akan merasa jauh lebih baik dengan mengonsumsi makanan berbasis tumbuhan. Makanan vegan mengandung lebih banyak serat, yang penting untuk menjaga saluran pencernaan tetap sehat. Serat membantu mencegah sembelit, memperbaiki gerakan usus, dan meningkatkan kesehatan mikrobiota usus. Hal ini tidak hanya berpengaruh pada pencernaan, tetapi juga mendukung kesehatan mental dan sistem imun Anda.

4. Mengurangi Dampak Lingkungan

Investasi pada pola makan vegan bukan hanya untuk kesehatan pribadi, tetapi juga untuk planet kita. Pola makan berbasis tumbuhan secara signifikan lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan konsumsi produk hewani. Peternakan hewan memerlukan lahan yang luas, air dalam jumlah besar, dan menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca yang berkontribusi pada perubahan iklim. Dengan beralih ke pola makan vegan, Anda berkontribusi mengurangi deforestasi, polusi air, dan jejak karbon.

Memilih makanan berbasis tumbuhan adalah langkah nyata dalam mendukung keberlanjutan bumi dan mengurangi dampak buruk yang dihasilkan oleh sistem pertanian industri. Bayangkan betapa positifnya dampak yang dapat Anda buat jika lebih banyak orang memilih pola makan yang lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan!

5. Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup

Mengonsumsi makanan vegan juga memiliki manfaat besar dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara keseluruhan. Selain memberi tubuh Anda nutrisi yang lebih baik, diet vegan meningkatkan energi dan kebugaran fisik. Banyak orang yang beralih ke pola makan vegan melaporkan merasa lebih bugar, lebih sehat, dan lebih ringan setelah beradaptasi dengan gaya hidup baru ini.

Pola makan vegan dapat membantu Anda lebih fokus pada makanan segar dan alami, menghindari bahan kimia berbahaya yang terkandung dalam beberapa produk hewani atau makanan olahan. Ini akan mendukung kesehatan tubuh dalam jangka panjang dan membantu Anda merasa lebih baik setiap hari.


Mengadopsi pola makan vegan adalah langkah cerdas untuk kesehatan Anda dan masa depan yang lebih berkelanjutan. Dengan manfaatnya yang luas, mulai dari meningkatkan kesehatan jantung, mencegah penyakit kronis, menjaga kesehatan pencernaan, hingga melindungi planet, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mempertimbangkan vegan sebagai pilihan utama Anda. Dengan investasi kecil dalam pola makan yang lebih sehat dan ramah lingkungan, Anda sudah membuat keputusan besar untuk kesehatan pribadi dan dunia yang lebih baik.

Sekaranglah saatnya untuk memulai perjalanan menuju kesehatan yang lebih optimal dan planet yang lebih berkelanjutan dengan memilih vegan sebagai bagian dari hidup Anda. Ayo, bergabung dalam perubahan yang lebih sehat dan berkelanjutan!

Vegan Breakfast Near Me: 17 Chains to Grab a Tasty Morning Meal 

Vegan Breakfast Near Me: 17 Chains to Grab a Tasty Morning Meal 

Breakfast is, arguably, one of the best meals of the day. Whether you eat first thing in the morning or you’re more of a brunch-lover, you can’t go wrong with a stack of pancakes, a plate of (vegan) bacon and eggs, a bagel, or a simple bowl of cereal and oat milk. But when did we first start eating breakfast? And why? We’ve got the answers below. And, for days when you roll out of bed and just don’t feel like cooking, we’ve also listed the very best chains to grab some tasty plant-based morning grub.

Why do we eat breakfast?

While it’s now considered by many as the most important meal of the day, people haven’t always eaten breakfast.

Those who lived in medieval Europe, for example, would only eat early in the morning if they were up early for work, or they were suffering from an illness. Some also rejected the idea on religious grounds. Fasting was the pinnacle of morality, and eating too soon in the morning was seen as a sign of gluttony. Fun fact: the word breakfast literally means to break the fast—because we fast as we sleep.

But over the centuries, as new foods and beverages (like tea and coffee) were introduced to Europe from countries they had colonized, breakfast became more normalized, and even celebrated.

By the Victorian era, people on both sides of the Atlantic were enjoying breakfast. For poorer, working people, this would be something simple and quick, but for, say, wealthy Americans, breakfast became a feast of poached eggs, English muffins, toast, and French cheese, reports CBS.

The 19th century also brought with it the invention of Quaker Oats and cereals, like cornflakes. And by the turn of the 20th century, breakfast, as we know it today, had started to take shape.

Vegan Breakfast Near Me: 17 Chains to Grab a Tasty Morning Meal 

Popular vegan breakfast foods

According to USA Today, bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes are all in the top five breakfast foods for Americans. But plant-based alternatives to all of these foods exist, so if you want to indulge in a big vegan meal in the morning, you don’t have to miss out. For more on vegan bacon options, follow our guide to the best brands here. We’ve also got the ultimate guide to vegan sausages, and you can find out everything you need to know about one of the most popular vegan egg products, Just Egg, here.

Where to buy vegan breakfast

Life is all about the little things that make us happy. And waking up at the weekend and finding somewhere to eat a delicious breakfast is one of those little things. Luckily, the vegan breakfast options are leveling up all of the time—and not just in the US.

If you’re in Toronto, Revelstoke Cafe is the newest brunch spot turning its customers on to plant-based foods with vegan breakfast classics, like tofu scramble and cashew hollandaise. And in London, popular breakfast chain the Breakfast Club serves an extensive vegan menu, and even turned one location totally vegan for Veganuary.

But in the US, there is also an abundance of vegan breakfast options. Next time your stomach growls in the morning, consider breaking your fast at one of these chains.

Peet’s Coffee

If you’re in the mood for a munch and a morning coffee (with dairy-free milk, of course), head down to Peet’s and try the Everything Plant-Based Sandwich, which includes Beyond Breakfast Sausage, Just Egg, and vegan cheddar cheese.


If you’re passing a Starbucks (which, to be honest, is a frequent occurrence for most of us), meat-free breakfast options include an Impossible Breakfast Sandwich (which comes with egg and cheese) or a bagel with avocado spread (which is totally vegan!).


Ok, so unfortunately the pancakes at IHOP are not vegan. But don’t despair, the menu at the popular pancake chain has plenty of other plant-based choices, including plant-based sausages, avocado toast, and crispy hashbrowns.


Qdoba is a great place to grab a quick burrito for lunch or dinner, but there are some vegan breakfast options too. Ask for the Potato Breakfast Burrito, or the Potato Breakfast Bowl, without egg or cheese, and ask for extra guac.

Caffe Nero

Based in London and inspired by Italy, the coffee chain Caffe Nero also has several locations in the US. And just like its UK spots, a handful of vegan options are on the menu, including a Vegan Breakfast Roll with Beyond Sausage, Just Egg, and Daiya vegan cheese.

Odd Burger

Odd Burger (formerly known as Globally Local) is currently a Canada-based vegan chain, but it’s on its way to the US very soon, as it signed a letter of intent last year to open 50 new spots in the US and Europe. And when that moment comes, make sure your stomach is ready, because its vegan breakfast menu—which includes the Bacun Maple Crunch, the Faconator, and the Ham Breakfast Sandwich—is extensive.

Silver Diner

Eastern US chain Silver Diner really delivers on the vegan breakfast options. If you want to keep it simple, there’s the standard (yet always delicious) pancake stack, or you can indulge in Just Egg Breakfast Tacos, which are served with BBQ Beyond Meat. If you’re extra hungry, you could add some tempeh bacon too.

Breakfast Republic

Breakfast Republic caters to all tastes and lifestyle choices, and its vegan menu doesn’t disappoint. There’s even a Harvest Omelet, complete with plant-based eggs, veggies, vegan sausage, pancakes, and a Vegan Breakfast Burrito with meatless beef strips.

Alfred Coffee

Popular LA coffee chain Alfred has something for everyone—including vegans. Grab an iced, dairy-free latte, and if your stomach is rumbling, there are choices like an Avo Bagel with chives and micro greens or a VLT bagel with avocado, lettuce, and tomato.

Caribou Coffee

Caribou Coffee started in Minnesota in the 1990s and has since expanded to around 485 locations across the US. If there’s a spot near you, head down in the morning for an Iced Oatmilk Crafted Press and a Just Egg Roasted Tomato & Pesto Flatbread, complete with vegan cheese.

Plant Power Fast Food

McDonald’s may be lacking in vegan breakfast options, but you still can grab a meaty, cheesy plant-based muffin, croissant, or bagel at California-based chain Plant Power Fast Food. Don’t forget the side of hash browns!

Jajaja Mexicana

For a taste of Mexico in the morning, head down to one of Jajaja Mexicana New York locations and grab a Breaky Burrito with vegan eggs and mushrooms, or treat yourself to a big stack of Kale Pancakes with coconut mango jam.

The Butcher’s Daughter

Despite the name, The Butcher’s Daughter is an entirely vegetarian chain, with locations in Venice, West Hollywood, Nolita, Williamsburg, and West Village. At the weekend, it serves a brunch menu, complete with vegan Loaded Banana Bread and Butcher’s Pancakes with coconut drizzle and berry sauce.


With 10 locations across the US and Canada, Planta is the place to go if you’re celebrating something special. Its indulgent plant-based brunch menu includes French Toast, Frittata, and Overnight Oats. If you prefer something a little less breakfast-y, there’s also a Poke Bowl with spicy ahi watermelon and hearts of palm.


It’s breakfast all day every day at Philadelphia-based Saxbys, so don’t worry if you want a super long lie-in. After you’ve emerged from your slumber though, you should definitely try the Plant-Powered Breakfast Grilled Cheese with dairy-free cheddar and Just Egg.

Turning Point

With 20 locations across New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, Turning Point is a bit of a vegan breakfast paradise. There are plant-based omelets, sausages, patties, and Just Egg, but the star of the menu is the I Can’t Believe They’re Vegan Pancakes, served with fresh fruit.

Gregory’s Coffee

New York-based Gregory’s Coffee goes above and beyond with its breakfast menu, which is prepared under the guidance of its own in-house registered dietitian. The croissant Deluxe is one of its most popular menu items, but vegans don’t have to miss out, because the chain has made a plant-based version with vegan eggs, sausage, and cheese.